test, gallery and clear data
Finish the game.
Finish the game a
second time using the clear data file.
You gain titles for
accomplishing various deeds in the game. Speak with The Lycan at the argent
statue to unlock them.
Able Combatant:
Have the main character reach level 25
Force Collector:
Save over 10000 FP
Force Eater Beater:
Kill over 10 Force Eaters
Furious Fighter:
Have the main character reach level 50
Adventurer: Harvest over 50 times
Legendary Hero:
Defeat 1000 enemies
Raging Demon:
Activate 50 Burst Attacks
Blacksmith: Max out one aspect of a ragnafact (best done early while the caps
are lower)
Reknown Hero:
Defeat 100 enemies. This unlockes the celestis mine and the ragnafact Devasti.
Technique Master:
Execute over 50 Overkills
Traveler of Berge:
Play over 15 hours
Treasure Hunter:
Open over 100 chests
True Warrior: Deal
over 200000 damage to enemies
Veteran Force
Scholar: Craft over 100 Forcefacts
Victim of a Harsh
World: Have Force Eaters drain over 5000 FP
Component Hunter:
Harvest over 200 times
Creation Crusader:
Purify all force sites
Force Fanatic: Save
99999 FP
Get the Memory Crystal from Dragon's Abyss Arena.
Force Unlockable: Various
Perform the actions
below to unlock the following modes and more.
1. Hard Mode - Beat
the game a second time (using Clear Data file)
2. Sound Test,
Gallery and Clear Data - Beat the game
Force Unlockable: Titles
Perform the actions
below to unlock the following titles.
1. Reknown Hero
(Celestis Mine / Ragnafact Devasti) - Defeat 100 enemies
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