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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Patapon 2: Don-Chaka PlayStation Portable Cheats

Unlock the following minigames by performing the actions below:
Tree Minigame - Complete "Training: Juju Jungle Course"
Mountain Minigame - Complete the "Training - Nanjaro Hill Course" once. (wait patiently for the cannons to stop talking, then do 3 defense songs followed by 3 attack songs repeatedly)
Plant Minigame - Dropped by Level 3+ Centura boss. (Mission 9-2)
Bell Minigame - (Mission 14)
Liquid Minigame - Dropped by Level 3+ Manboth (Mission 18-2)
Blacksmith Minigame - Dropped by Level 3+ Manboroth (Mission 20-2)
Cooking Minigame - Dropped by Level 3+ Phoeniti (Mission 24-2)

Call down Miracles If you have Obtained these Items, Perform X.XX.XX(DON, DON DON, DON DON) while in Fever Mode
Attack Miracle: Beat Invincible Dragon Majidonga LvL 3
Blizzard Miracle: Finish Watchtower and Two Karmen Mission
Defense Miracle: Beat Fearful Tentacle Monster Darachura LvL 3
Earthquake Miracle: Beat Living Fortress Cannodears LvL 3
Rain Miracle: Finish Mushroom shroom shroom Nyokiri Swamp Mission in the Second Time.
Storm Miracle: Beat God General of Staff Hookmen
Tailwind Miracle: Finish Mystery of the Desert's Sandstorm Mission in the Second Time

Lordly Hairpiece
Load a completed saved game file from the Patapon 2 demo. This item gives full status protection.

Easy Demon Bones
Play Mission 7 (Angry Monster Bird Motititi) and beat it up to level 5. Upgrade your Patapons to Menyokki and equip them with weapons that can put the monster to sleep. Also, make sure they are weapons that deal poor damage so as to not defeat the monster quickly -- the longer the creature survives, the more bones you will receive. At level 15 the creature also drops rare weapons every two or three battles.

Never Lose Ka-Ching
This is a really basic tip, but it will save you some headaches: save before you do a mission or minigame and if you mess up, go back to the title screen and load your save.

Double unique gear
If you havnt already found all the unique drops that is...

Find a boss that guarantees a unique drop. like the ice dragon. Fill your team up with knock out ability and go to town on the monster.

When you start a fight with a boss like the ice dragon. the unique item that will drop is set in stone before you lay your first punch.

The glitch it seems, lets the boss drop 2 or even more of this same unique. the higher lvl the boss, the better the chances he will spooge what hes hard wired to drop BEFORE he dies.

This only works with knock outs (or what ever that status effect is called")... if he drops a unique and then dies. his final drop will not be the unique you wish to double.

The odds are slim but increase accordingly with the bosses lvl. this worked once for me on the demo for pat 2 and i haven't pursued it sense but it has been confirmed on a separate forum by a dude that played the full jap and or euro version.

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