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Monday, January 25, 2016

Valhalla Knights PlayStation Portable Cheats

10 Development Points
When you first create a character and give it a name - if you use 9 characters to create the name you will be given 10 points to add to anything you want (Strength, Intelligence, etc...)

Monster becomes Super strong
Beat the game and at the end of the credits, you will have a choice to save. Save and load your game. Go to the entrance of the prison and talk to the guard. He will ask if your a true adventurer. Select the first option and the monster will becomes stronger than normal. Talk to the guard again and select the 2nd option to return the monsters to normal.

Duplicate money
This trick requires two PSPs with their own copy of the game. Start a Versus mode game with the other PSP. Offer all your money. Intentionally lose and quit without saving the game. You will not lose all your money, and the second PSP will still have the amount given.

Duplicate items
This trick requires two PSPs with their own copy of the game. Start a Co-op mode game with the other PSP. Complete the game and trade. Send all your items to the other PSP, then quit the game without saving. Your items will all be on the first PSP, while their copies will be available on the second PSP.


Valhalla Knights Cheat: Nine Letters
When starting or recruiting a party member, use a nine-lettered name to name your character. You will get a bonus ten points if you do in order to bump up your character's attributes.

Valhalla Knights Cheat: Item Duplication with Two Games / PSPs
To duplicate items, start a Co-op game with another PSP and copy of the game. After finishing the game, you can trade. Give away all your items, then quit without saving. Your items will all be intact on your first PSP, and yet their copies will be available on the second. To duplicate money in a similar fashion, go to Vs. and offer all your money. Lose and quit without saving. You won't lose all your money, but the second PSP will still have it.

Valhalla Knights Unlockable: Strong Monsters
Save a complete game. Go to the entrance of the prison and talk to the guard. He will ask if your a true adventurer. Select the first option and the monster will becomes stronger than normal. Talk to the guard again and select the 2nd option to return the monsters to normal.

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